Velum Rise
Protection from damaging soil-borne diseases and nematodes.

Velum Rise
- Delivers excellent control of soil-borne black scurf, and stem and stolon canker caused by Rhizoctonia solani
Protect your potato crop with an in-furrow application of Velum® Rise fungicide/nematicide. Get excellent control of soil-borne black scurf, stem and stolon canker caused by Rhizoctonia solani. It also offers suppression of black dot and nematodes which are some of the causal agents of the potato early dying (PED) disease complex.
- Delivers the added benefit of suppression of black dot*, early blight and white mould
*Black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) and plant pathogenic nematodes are some of the causal agents of the potato early dying (PED) disease complex.
See how Velum Rise can help your crop perform in this video
Potato Fungicides: Next level protection against soil-borne disease and nematodes with Velum Rise
Marketable Yield Increases

Research trials showed that Velum Rise increased marketable yield compared to untreated checks. The addition of Emesto® Silver fungicide seed-piece treatment further improved marketable yields.

Trials were conducted by Bayer Crop Science Field Solutions team and Atlantic AgriTech conducted over 2 years and 4 sites (2020, 2021). All treatments were inoculated with Rhizoctonia. Your results may vary according to agronomic, environmental, pest and disease pressure variables.

Learn more about Velum Rise in the Potato Crop Protection Guide from Bayer.
This guide provides you with convenient access to technical information on all the potato crop protection solutions from Bayer to help you keep your plants healthy and maximize your yield potential.
The first 60 days in the life of a potato crop sets the stage for harvest success. The challenge is that most of the disease issues...
Early-Season Soil and Root Health Key for Potato Crops

Black dot disease can lead to yield and quality losses in potatoes and is more widespread than one may expect.
Managing black dot to minimize yield and quality loss in potatoes

Things to consider when using Sencor herbicide on potatoes
Sencor® is a proven broad-spectrum herbicide registered for broadleaf and grassy weed control in potatoes and a wide range of...
Sencor® is a proven broad-spectrum herbicide registered for broadleaf and grassy weed control in potatoes and a wide range of...
Things to consider when using Sencor herbicide on potatoes

Early-Season Soil and Root Health Key for Potato Crops
The first 60 days in the life of a potato crop sets the stage for harvest success. The challenge is that most of the disease issues...

Managing black dot to minimize yield and quality loss in potatoes
Black dot disease can lead to yield and quality losses in potatoes and is more widespread than one may expect.

Things to consider when using Sencor herbicide on potatoes
Sencor® is a proven broad-spectrum herbicide registered for broadleaf and grassy weed control in potatoes and a wide range of...

Better data. Better decisions. Better outcomes with FieldView.
For years, row crop farmers have benefited from using the FieldView™ digital software platform to capture field data. Those…

Ontario, Québec, Maritimes and British Columbia
Save with the BayerValue™ Hot Potatoes® Rewards Program. Activate the Potato Bonus and earn up to 24% savings.
Take your savings to the next level with the new 2025 BayerValue™ Hot Potatoes® Rewards Program on qualifying purchases between October 1, 2024 and September 30, 2025.
Simply buy five or more qualifying products and save up to 14% on your purchases. Qualifying products include leading seed treatments, soil solutions, growth regulators, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides.
Activate the Potato Bonus and earn up to 24% savings on qualifying products. To unlock this offer, purchase Emesto® Complete or Emesto Silver plus matching acres of one or more qualifying potato crop protection products, such as Velum Rise.
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
Save up to 25% on purchases with the BayerValue™ Hot Potatoes® Prairies Rewards Program.
Take your savings to the next level with the new 2025 BayerValue™ Hot Potatoes® Rewards Program on qualifying purchases between October 1, 2024 and September 30, 2025.
Buy a minimum of 300 acres of qualifying seed treatment, herbicide or fungicide from Bayer to protect your potatoes and up to 25% in savings could be yours.

Bayer, Bayer Cross, BayerValue™, Emesto®, Hot Potatoes® and Velum® are trademarks of Bayer Group. Used under license. Bayer CropScience Inc. is a member of CropLife Canada.
©2025 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.